Career Snapshot - Abygail Berg - Arts Leadership Cohort
We caught up with Abygail Berg, a second year Industrial Design student and also the Arts Leadership Cohort leader for the 2015/2016.
During University did you have a particular career path in mind? If so, how did this career path change throughout your degree?
Coming to the U of A I was quite certain of the career path I desired to have. I wanted to finish my industrial design degree and work in the field for a few years, then continue on and obtain my masters in architecture. Although I still aspire to follow this path, my experiences with getting involved in the residence community on campus and the greater community of Edmonton have opened new interests for me as well.
In my first year I lived on the Arts/ Leadership Cohort, a floor in Lister Centre intended for (although it is open to anybody who wants to be involved) Faculty of Arts students who desire to be leaders in their community through volunteer work. Living on the ALC reminded me both of how much I love community service, and how rewarding it is to live in a community of awesome students with similar interest. Since I had such a great experience with the ALC I applied to be the Arts/ Leadership Cohort leader for my second year, and received the position!
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